
Página dedicada a divulgar la música militar nacional e internacional y la música en "tempo de marcha" en general.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Marchas Rusas – 60 Aniversario de la Victoria

Título original del CD: “Military Marches - 60th anniversary of Victory” (2005)
Intérpretes: The Military Orchestra of the Russian Defense Ministry
01.-The march of the Imailovo Life-Guards Regimen
02.-The Lefortovo March
03.-The Hussars´March
04.-A Slav Womans Farewell (*)
05.-We need Nothing Short of Victory
06.-The Artilleyrymen´s March
07.-We are fron the town of Yelets
08.-The March of 9 May
09.-The Tank Crew´s March
10.-The Mortar Guardsmen´s Marcha
11.-Nostalgia from de Motherland
Gentileza de Dimitri P.
Ejemplo Sonoro (*):

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